Influence That Changes Plans
On June 5, 2020 we had a tractor trailer load of food delivered to Purpose Life Church to give away to anyone in the community.
When the truck arrived and I seen the driver, I was surprised to see him driving. He had told me the month before that he wouldn't see me in June. He was retiring!
As he opens the door, I said “I thought you were retired?” His response was humbling. “Pastor, I seen your name and church name on the list of deliveries. I asked my boss if I could change my plans of retirement. I wanted this to be my last delivery.”
He had asked to drive a week longer just so he could deliver to us!
After the trailer was unloaded, he came inside the church and we prayed for him and his retirement days. Before he left, he stated that the reason he wanted this delivery to be his last one. “Last month was my first time here. I felt the love and peace of Christ so strong. I wanted that experience to be my last delivery before retirement!”
He was leaving to go complete paper work and then have an exit interview and be retired.
As he left, he said “Pastor, keep influencing folks that causes them to change their plans. Love ya.”